



Its fine Mediterranean butters provide a complete mix, rebalancing of the skin hydrolipidic mantle. Grapeseed oils, hazelnuts and almonds, acque attive di hibiscus e rosa sono il surplus di nutrimento naturale per una pelle morbida, silky and regenerated. Contains the unique mix of active DOC Gran Riserva Toscana based on the purest polyphenols, obtained from the selection of Tuscan Grand Crus and EVO Oil, precious allies against oxidative stress and skin aging. Arricchito con acido jaluronico e polisaccaridi effetto barriera per un’azione ridensificante, anti-aging and detoxifying. Costituisce un autentico trattamento “emergenza” dopo l’esposizione a fattori ambientali dermo-stressanti (sun, intense cold, pool water, marina or thermal). The skin of the body will be regenerated, pleasantly soft and toned.

How to use:

Apply with massage insisting on the cracked areas, dry and opaque.



Vegetable fruit butters (APRICOT AND ALMOND) perfetti per trattare la pelle stressata, arid and dry for their nourishing and protective action. Costituiscono un mix antietà concentrato e naturale: vitamins A and E, essential fatty acids, Minerals, una vera risorsa di sostanze preziose per la pelle. Ad effetto “schermo” proteggono contro i fattori ambientali aggressivi, help against capillary fragility, hanno un’azione antiossidante, soothing and regenerating but above all moisturizing, nutrono per mantenere la pelle morbida, elastic and luminous.

Sweet almond oil is the vegetable oil with the highest degree of dermo-affinity, per questo motivo la pelle ne assorbe tutte le sostanze preziose che costituiscono il suo fito-complesso attivo: triglycerdi, fatty acids, Vitamins, especially B and E, proteins and minerals (zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium). It is therefore an excellent emollient agent, nourishing and elasticizing skin, a real panacea for the driest and driest and most devitalized skin.

Grapeseed oil obtained from the seeds of grapes, is a fine cosmetic oil for its richness in linoleic acid (Vitamin F) polyphenols. It has high eudermy and excellent skin bioavailability characteristics. It performs a deep nourishing and elasticizing action, making the skin soft and silky.

Italian hazelnut oil: la specie Corylius Avellana è la regina incontrastata del panorama collinare dell’Alta Langa. Dai semi di questi alberi si ricava un olio per spremitura a freddo al fine di preservarne la sua ricchezza in attivi e le sue proprietà emollienti eccezionali. It turns out to be a phytocomplex with multiple properties that infuses the skin with a concentrate of energy and nourishment. In particular, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, phytosterols (plant estrogens), vitamin E, flavonoids and minerals calcium and selenium have a powerful synergistic toning action, Moisturizing, soothing, nutritious, elasticizing.

Hyaluronic acid a differente peso molecolare per un’idratazione in superficie e in profondità. Is a polysaccharide that constitutes the fundamental substance of the dermis. Its main function is to stably bind a considerable amount of water in the intercellular spaces and to act as a cementing agent for the dermal fibers. Constant supply of hyaluronic acid ensures hydration, elasticity and tone for visibly compact skin, soft and regenerated.

Polisaccaride protettivo effetto barriera microfilm che interagisce con la superficie cutanea e la protegge da sostanze nocive come polveri sottili, heavy metals, radicali liberi e tossine. Improves, In addition, le funzionalità cutanee poiché favorisce la comunicazione intracellulare.

Active waters of rose and hibiscus ricche di tutti gli elementi che caratterizzano la pianta hanno la caratteristica di essere similari ai liquidi fisiologici. Svolgono un’azione riequilibrante, soothing and protective with an immediate and perceptible freshness effect.